Chinese Canadian Legend Award Gala
Date: Aug 17, 2024
Venue: Grand York Ballroom
Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel
600 Highway 7 East, Richmond Hill

Group photo of Chinese Canadian Legend Awards recipients and board of directors

2023 Chinese Canadian Legend Awards Cherish and Share Our Blessings

2023 Chinese Canadian Legend Award Recipients

Dr. Chester H. Ho

Chester Ho was born in Hong Kong. After graduating from medical school at Cambridge University, he completed his residency and spinal cord injury specialty training in the United States.  He then joined Cleveland Clinic where he later became the Chief of Spinal Cord Injury. To be closer to his parents he came to Canada in 2011 and became the Division Head of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Calgary, and later at the University of Alberta. He also led policy development with federal and provincial health services. As a leading expert in the field of spinal cord injury rehabilitation, he has a patient-centred approach to care, maintains a humble, compassionate outlook and leads his team to continuously create miracles for spinal cord injury patients in Canada.

James Lin

James Lin was born into an artistic family in Taiwan. After immigrating to Canada in the early eighties, he became the first Chinese journalist in Canada to report from location. His diligence, work ethic, and skills in writing and photography have earned him the respect of mainstream media and a moniker of “Living Dictionary” in the Chinese community. He is also public-spirited, contributing generously to the community. As a senior member of the Chinese media community, he has mentored over 200 journalists, promotes continuous improvement in the quality of Chinese language journalism and fosters a culture of friendly competition among his colleagues. As traditional media evolves, James is optimistic and open-minded. While he continues to excel in his work, he encourages people around him to be optimistic and to help others.

David Leung

David Leung immigrated to Canada nearly 50 years ago. Music and photography are his two passions, and “integrating charity work with his passions” drives his community service. He joined the Ontario Chinese Music Association in the 1980s and organized concerts as a volunteer to promote Chinese music and nurture musical talents in the younger generation. He joined Fu Hui Education Foundation in 2005 and was an early leader in visiting the impoverished mountainous regions in China to help AIDS orphans get an education. As Fu Hui’s “official” photographer, he chronicled Fu Hui’s education aid journey with his camera – all the trips into the deepest mountains, visiting families in their remote homes, and supporting the Fu Hui students.

Jenny Pu

In 2006, 41-year-old Jenny Pu was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer. She actively faced the challenges presented by the disease, coordinating treatments to heal body and soul. After obtaining her licenses in prosthetic breasts and compression clothing, she began providing post-surgery support services to breast cancer patients in 2012, serving clients from all ethnic groups. In 2013, she started a breast cancer support group, self-financed printing of promotional brochures, shared her own experience, and provided encouragement to fellow breast cancer patients. In its ten years, the group has not used any community funding, instead raising money for the Cancer Society. The support group renamed itself “Phoenix” to signify rebirth out of fire. Jenny rises above adversity, using positivity to light others’ hope, kindness to reduce others’ suffering.

Daniel Quan-Watson

Daniel Quan-Watson is the first Chinese Canadian to become a deputy minister. His grandfather arrived in Canada in 1923 just before the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed. Because he was raised by Caucasian adoptive parents, he both enjoyed white privilege and endured overt and subtle racism. But he is proud to be Chinese. He interacts with Indigenous peoples with understanding and respect, helping with reconciliation between Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian government. In 2020, Daniel wrote an open letter to address systemic racism, sparking debates to change the status-quo. It was a commendable effort.

Sue Tang

Having grown up in a poor family, Sue came to Canada to pursue university education and through diligence and interpersonal skills, has forged a successful career culminating in her becoming the first Chinese vice president at IBM Canada. At the height of her career, Sue suffered a setback when she lost her husband. But charity work helped her find new meaning in life, and brought dance into her life. She has planned and led many fundraising events for various charitable organizations, and has used dance to help seniors suffering from Parkinson’s and other chronic diseases. She also actively shares her experience to encourage young people to pursue self improvement.

Group photo of Chinese Canadian Legend Awards recipients

以堅毅精神造福社會 2023年「紅楓傳奇」頒獎禮盛大舉行


何浩楷 Chester H. Ho


梁德威先生 David Leung


林風雲James Lin


蒲育惠女士 Jenny Pu

2006年41歲的蒲育惠確診乳癌晚期。但她積極面對病魔的挑戰,配合治療,重構身心。先後考到義乳及壓力衣的相關執照,2012年起為乳癌患者提供手術後支持,客戶跨越族群。2013年成立乳癌支持小组,自費印製宣傳冊,分享經驗、鼓勵同患。十年間從未給社區添加經費負擔,卻為癌症協會長年籌款。小組現更名為“火鳳凰”,寓意浴火重生。蒲育惠逆境中自强不息,用樂觀點燃他人的希望,用善良化解身邊的悲傷,“堅毅造福締傳奇” 。

丹尼爾·關-沃森 Daniel Quan-Watson


李本嫦 Sue Tang
